Take the 920 Pledge This Holiday Shopping Season

November 29, 2021

Take the 920 Pledge This Holiday Shopping Season

KEWAUNEE COUNTY, WI - Kewaunee County businesses have something special in mind for holiday shoppers who spend their dollars locally!!!

Kewaunee County Economic Development Corporation (KCEDC), Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce, Kewaunee Area Chamber of Commerce and Luxemburg Area Chamber of Commerce have teamed up for the 920 Pledge. 

To participate for a chance at winning $180 worth of chamber bucks that are split amongst the three different chambers in the County, you simply need to go to nine different stores in the area and spend $20 at each store.  And, then visit kewauneecountyfirst.org to be entered into a drawing before December 23, 2021.

KCEDC Director Ben Nelson on Local 5 Live for 920 Pledge